Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
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Text File
35 lines
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; This is the VEdit Plus help message to be displayed in blue on white
; when Cntl-Left Shift pressed. 74 char X 25 lines screen size.
Colattr equ 71h ;White background, blue foreground
Hotkey equ Cntl+Lftsh ;Cntl-Left Shift key combo brings up screen
Hlpst: db 201,72 dup(205),187 ;Border chars
Linchr equ $-Hlpst ;Chars on each help line
db 186,' VEdit Plus Help by Bob Montgomery Esc to Exit ',186
db 186,'All E & R Commands after Esc Reg n=0-9 & A-Z ^=Cntl a=Alt *=filespec',186
db 186,' Cursor Movement Block/Find File/Set Cmds Miscellaneous ',186
db 199,72 dup(196),182
db 186,'^Home Top of File',179,'F9 Block Start ',179,'EA Save File ',179,'F1 Scroll Left ',186
DB 186,'^End End of File',179,'F9n Copy to Reg n',179,'EB * Open File ',179,'F2 Scroll Right ',186
db 186,' F3 St of Line ',179,'aF9n Cut to Reg n',179,'EF Close File ',179,'Home Scroll Up ',186
db 186,' F6 End of Line',179,'F10n Insert Reg n',179,'EG * Get File ',179,'End Scroll Down ',186
db 186,' F5 St Next Line',179,'aF1 Find Text ',179,'EW * Write File ',179,'F7 Decrease Indent',186
db 186,' ^J St/End Line ',179,'aF2 Replace Text',179,'EX Save & Exit ',179,'F8 Increase Indent',186
db 186,' ^K Top/Bot Scrn',179,'aF3 Cancel Oper ',179,'EQ(Y) Quit & Exit',179,'^P Mrk Prnt St/End',186
DB 186,' ^V Word Left ',179,'^Rn Repeat=n ',179,'EZ(Y) Quit & Stay',179,'^C Del Prev Word ',186
DB 186,' ^B Word Right ',179,'RSn * Save Reg n ',179,'ED Display Dir ',179,'^N Del Next Word ',186
DB 186,'^PgUp Prev Paragr',179,'RLn * Load Reg n ',179,'EP3 n IndntIncr=n',179,'^Z Del to End Line',186
DB 186,'^PgDn Next Paragr',179,'^Sn Set Bkmark n ',179,'EP7 n Wdwrp Col=n',179,'^X Del This Line ',186
DB 186,' Tab Tab Text Rt',179,'^Gn Goto Bkmark n',179,'ET n Tab Incr=n ',179,'^U Undo Line Chngs',186
DB 186,' F4 Tab Cursor Rt',179,'^F Format Paragrf',179,'ES1 1 Expand Tabs',179,'^L Nxt Chr Literal',186
DB 186,' Commands (after Esc), where $=Esc; n=# => Forever (to end of file) ',186
DB 186,' n[Cmds]=Repeat Cmds n times from cursor ^Q=Next Char Literal ',186
DB 186,' B Goto Text Strt',179,'Gr Insert Reg r ',179,' nFstring$ Find nth string occurance',186
DB 186,' Z Goto Text End ',179,'nK Kill n Lines ',179,' Itext$ Insert text at cursor ',186
DB 186,' nC Advnc n Chars',179,'nL Advnce n Lines',179,' nSs1$s2$ Change s1 to s2 n times ',186
db 186,' nD Del n Chars ',179,'nT Type n Lines ',179,' V Return to Visual Mode ',186
db 200,72 dup(205),188
; ====================================================================